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Yarra Ranges misses road funding again

Reading a Newspaper

Thursday, 9 July 2020

In a slap in the face to all Yarra Ranges residents, the Andrews Labor Government has failed to provide any new funding to fix or improve any roads in the Yarra Ranges.

Today, the new Labor Minister for Roads announced funding of more than $20 million to deliver “safety upgrades” to fix roads in regional Victoria.

However, no funding had been allocated to any roads in the Yarra Ranges.

Comments attributable to local Liberal MP, Bridget Vallence:

“It’s outrageous that not one cent of the $20 million in new road funding has been allocated to improving the safety of any roads in the Yarra Ranges. Not one cent!”

“This Andrews Labor Government has arrogantly chosen to ignore the concerns of local motorists and pedestrians and continues to refuse to allocate funding to fix dangerous roads in the Yarra Valley.”

“I’ve been pleading with the Roads Minister, on behalf of the community, for years and years for urgent roads funding, particularly for the Warburton Highway, Maroondah Highway and Melba Highway. All these Yarra Valley roads are notorious accident hot spots, and require serious safety upgrades.”

“In his first real test as the new Minister for Roads and Road Safety, Ben Carroll has failed to listen to the pleas of Yarra Valley residents.”

“Sadly for Yarra Valley communities, it’s a case of new Roads Minister, same old Andrews Labor Government ignoring the need to fix dangerous Yarra Valley roads.”

“I’ll continue to fight for our community to make Yarra Valley roads safer”.

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