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Learning the ropes as Principal for a Day
Friday, 6 September 2019
Mount Evelyn students gained a new principal for a day when Evelyn MP Bridget Vallence stepped into the role at Birmingham Primary.
Her foray into the teaching profession on Tuesday 3 September was part of the 19th annual Principal for a Day program.
School captains Georgia and Cooper hosted Ms Vallence, who joined classes to hear what students were learning that day and held meetings with Grade 6 student leaders and teachers.
“Birmingham Primary School is a wonderful, vibrant school, and it was really interesting to experience first-hand the complexities and demands of running a school with around 690 students and 60 staff,” she said.
“The younger children were eager to show me the connections they were making with the book they were reading, and the Grade 6 leaders asked me a variety of questions about being a local MP and what happens in Parliament.
“The teaching staff and principal Trish Enzinger are working hard to deliver an excellent education here, and I gained valuable insights into behind-the-scenes operational activities of the school.”
Ms Enzinger said Principal for a Day provided mutual benefits for schools and community leaders.
“We are excited to welcome Ms Vallence to our school and we look forward to exchanging ideas, visiting classes, talking to students, and taking part in everyday activities,” she said.
“Principal for a Day provides us with an excellent opportunity, and enables Ms Vallence to gain unique insights into the learning environment at Birmingham Primary.”
The Australian Council for Educational Research co-ordinates the Principal for a Day program across Victoria.
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