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Daniel Andrews must stop Brumby cull
Friday, 19 June 2020
The Victorian Liberal Nationals are calling on the Andrews Labor Government to immediately intervene and stop the planned mass cull of Brumbies.
Following the decision of the Court of Appeal earlier today, Parks Victoria can now proceed with its plan for a widespread ground shooting and killing of Brumbies.
The Andrews Labor Government and Parks Victoria have repeatedly refused to consult and listen to the local High Country community about viable alternatives to the indiscriminate killing of these magnificent animals.
Brumbies are an iconic part of Victoria’s cultural identity, and whilst maintaining biodiversity in Victoria’s parks is necessary any management of Brumby populations must be conducted ethically and sustainably.
Even the Andrews Labor Government’s 2018 Feral Horse Strategic Action Plan recognised that shooting Brumbies had “limited public support”. The Liberal Nationals are calling on the Andrews Labor Government to genuinely consult with regional communities and prioritise rehoming Brumbies.
Andrews has ignored the significant problem of feral deer, dogs and pigs, and is only killing Brumbies. It’s estimated there are 300 sambar deer for every Brumby in Victoria’s High Country.
Comments attributable to Shadow Minister for Environment and Climate Change, Bridget Vallence:
“Daniel Andrews must immediately intervene and stop Parks Victoria’s plan for indiscriminate killing of Brumbies.
“The Andrews Labor Government has completely refused to consult and listen to the High Country community before deciding to slaughter Brumbies.
“Daniel Andrews’ own Labor MPs in the State’s Upper House have also rejected the Parks Victoria plan for indiscriminate shooting of Brumbies.
“With the Ski Season starting on 22 June and many Victorians travelling to Victoria’s High Country from next week, the local community is worried about Parks Victoria’s imminent plan for widespread shooting of Brumbies.”
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