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Creating manufacturing careers

Monday 28 March 2022
A Matthew Guy Liberals and Nationals Government will create new careers across the state with Victoria’s largest ever investment in manufacturing.
Recent figures have confirmed that manufacturing jobs have hit a record low, as the decline of Victoria’s manufacturing sector continues under the Andrews Labor Government.
Three decades ago, manufacturing accounted for one in five Victorian jobs as our state was proudly the manufacturing engine room of the nation.
Today, Victorian manufacturing jobs sit at around half this level as this once strong sector continues to fall further behind.
The Victorian Liberals and Nationals have a $2.5 billion plan to reverse this trend and underpin a new wave of innovation and opportunity in the manufacturing sector.
This exciting plan will focus on a number of key areas, including expanding capacity and quality for consumer-driven products in our food and beverage sector.
Part of our plan is directed at supporting continuous improvement for existing manufactures, to help scale-up, adopt new technologies, and create careers of the future.
Victorian Liberal Leader, Matthew Guy said this vital investment was key to recovering and rebuilding from the world’s longest lockdown.
“Under our plan, Victorian manufacturing will once again be an engine room for local economies across the state.”
“Communities need hope and certainty. By backing a new wave of manufacturing we will deliver jobs for the future and exciting opportunities for a new generation of Victorian workers.”
Shadow Minister for Manufacturing, Bridget Vallence said the Victorian Liberals and Nationals plan would back workers and communities to recover, rebuild and move forward.
“Our plan will underpin a new wave of opportunity, innovation and careers in the manufacturing sector.”
“By backing small businesses to grow, innovate and expand – we will reverse the decline of manufacturing and make this key sector strong once again.”
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